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Your Ad Here

Your Ad Here

Program Stats


Total Affiliates 65

Total Paid Out


Ads in rotation  278

Paid-To-Clicks 563

Members online: 0
Guests online: 4


Featured Sponsor

Your special banner at the top of every page of YouveGotAds
See Here! for details.


Paid Advertising

Are you interested in advertising with our company?

Below are the different types of advertising services we provide.
We offer many options and are confident, you will find one to fit your needs.

How it works:
  • Click one of our advertising offers from below.
  • If this package allows targeting - select your target groups.
  • When you are done you will have the price, that you need to pay, calculated.
  • After you have paid for your ad package, please fill out the "Order Form"
    on the last step to complete the advertisement ordering process.
  • Complete all the information requested on the form then click submit.
  • Once your payment has been confirmed, we will process your order as soon as possible. PLEASE ENSURE THAT THE EMAIL ADDRESS THAT YOU USE IS VALID AND CAN RECEIVE OUR NOTIFICATIONS AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS!!


  • 100 1/10 Cent PTC's - $0.15
  • 500 1/10 Cent PTC's - $0.70
  • 1000 1/10 cent PTC's - $1.40
  • 250 1/4 Cent PTC's - $0.80
  • 500 1/4 Cent PTC's - $1.65
  • 1000 1/4 Cent PTC's - $3.20
  • 2500 Tier 1/2 PTC's - $0.65
  • 250 Point Contest PTC - $0.16
  • 500 Point Contest PTC's - $0.35

  • Tier 1 and 2 only PTCs: These ptc banners may be clicked only by members from Tier 1 and 2 countries.

  • 1000 Tier 1 and 2 PTCs (.03) - $0.63
  • 500 Tier 1 and 2 PTCs (.03) - $0.32

  • Permanent PTC: (Unlimited Clicks)

  • Unlimited Clicks For 6 months (.02c) - $5.00
  • Unlimited Clicks For 12 months (.02c) - $9.00
  • Unlimited Clicks- Lifetime (.02c) - $20.00

  • PTP PTCs: PTP Ptcs clickable once every 24 hours

  • PTP ptcs x 250 (.02) - $0.13
  • PTP ptcs x 500 (.02) - $0.25
  • PTP ptcs x 1000 (.02) - $0.51

  • HangMan: Banner 468 x 60 Exposures have a unique price per click and will last until the purchased number of clicks has been reached. These ads are visible in the Hangman Game and are valid for each member every 24 hours.

  • 250 Clicks (.028) - $0.10
  • HangMan Winner 50 Clicks - $0.10

  • Tier 1: Available to tier 1 members only.

  • 250 Tier 1 Clicks - $0.15
  • 500 Tier 1 Clicks - $0.31

  • * This ad allows targeting. Price determined after choosing targets.

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