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Program Stats
Total Affiliates 55
Total Paid Out
Ads in rotation 228
Paid-To-Clicks 415
Members online: 0 Guests online: 16
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DISCLAIMER: YouveGotAds is NOT a 'Get Rich Quick' scheme nor is it a Multi-Level Marketing (MLM), Matrix or Pyramid Program. Membership with this Program is totally Free, with no obligation to purchase anything to receive payment.
Important Note: NO new members from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Algeria, India or Poland will be accepted.
Members Benefits
Membership with this site is totally Free!
Youve-Got-Ads is now a CASH and POINTS site!!!!
Get Paid for Visiting our advertisers sites. You choose your favorite topics of interest and we'll do the rest.
Free 1yr. upgrade to first 500. Click here to request yours!
Referral contest till 500 members! Click here for prizes and stats!
In the members only area, you will find several ways to earn.
We offer:
Paid E-mails
PTP - 70c cpm paid upgraded only
Affiliate Pages 20c CPM
Personal PTC Pages
New Manual Surfer 15c CPM
Hangman Game
Click Climber
Monthly Activity Rewards for active clickers!
Treasure Room
YouveGotAds is a $1.00 MINIMUM PAYOUT PROGRAM to Amazon eGift Card, Amazon.co.uk eGift Card, Redeem For Ads, Serve, Wise.
When your referrals click on an advertiser's link you will also get credit for it.
We credit you for 1 referral level(s).
Level #1 = 15%
30 day+ inactives deleted weekly
Important Note: as of 4-2-07 NO new members from China,Taiwan, Hong Kong,Algeria, India or Poland will be accepted.
Advertisers Benefits
Monthly Ad Specials! Click Here
The most cost effective advertising
Affordable Ad Packages and Specials
Targeted advertising available
Sophisticated tracking solutions that help you track your ad inventory.
We will customize your Ad Campaign.
Whether you need 100 visitors or 500,000 visitors, we can help.
Email Ads, Banner Impressions and PTC's, Text Link advertising.
Fast, Reliable, Courteous Service.
All ads are processed within 48 hours
Advertise to 100% opt in membership.
Absolutely NO Spam!
Youve-Got-Ads.com does not accept any advertising for adult content, gambling, drugs of any kind, or anything that could be classifed as illegal.
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